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Medicine & Health

Chinese Technical Translations provides accurate, high-quality translations for the medical and healthcare industries. We have the experience and expertise to provide translations for the following projects:

Medical Certificates & Reports

  • Heath examination reports

  • Medical history/records

  • Clinical study reports

  • Medical certificates

  • Patient information

  • Hospital information brochures

Clinical Studies

  • Informed consent forms   

  • Questionnaires

  • Feasibility studies

  • Medical contracts/agreements

  • Case trial data

  • Preclinical documentation


  • Case report forms

  • Pharmaceutical instructions

  • Drug packaging and inserts

  • Regulatory documents

  • Drug registration documentation

  • Patient information leaflets 

Medical and Surgical Devices

  • Instructions of use for equipment

  • Product labelling

  • Product information leaflets

  • Licencing and copyright

  • Data sheets

  • Technical manuals

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Request a Quote or Get More Information

Please call us on +44 (0)2381 786550 or send an email to to find out more about how Chinese Technical Translations can help you with your medical translation requirements.

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